Omnixie Smart Wifi Clock | Omnixie 智能Wifi辉光钟


How time flies, six years have past since my last Nixie clock released, I thought I had performed a perfect interpretation of Nixie Tubes, never thought that I redefined it again after six years, a perfect smart Wifi Nixie Clock released today.


For now though, all Nixie clocks that have been done before include most of DIYer’s Nixie clocks are merely replaced the element of display components with Nixie tubes, and the appearance was modified to make it more classical. In addition, the perfect combination of the so-called time-spaced ancient devices and modern technology is not highlighted. So when a new idea was created three years ago, it’s hard to give it a new definition. The Omnixie project was launched for the first edition from the beginning of 2015, it has undergone five revisions in the past three years. Each revision has its origins in the rigorous demand and innovates all the problems encountered in the previous creative process, integrated and applied the popular science and modern technology, but never leave the essence of the clock. Before we go into details, let’s look at it first:


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