Omnixie Ultra with R|Z568M | Omnixie Ultra 智能Wifi辉光钟
R|Z568M辉光管直径53mm,高度125mm,Omnixie Ultra辉光钟底座长560mm,宽140mm,厚度15mm,所有功能与之前的Omnixie和Omnixie Plus完全一致,包括Wifi自动校时、手机控制、四国语音报时、自动亮度调节等等。底座是采用铝合金CNC一体成型,面版采用3mm岩板水刀切割而成,整体外观无任何螺丝,简洁大气。供电采用USB-C接口,支持PD和QC快充。
目前两台Omnixie Ultra已经组装完毕,摆放在了客厅的条几上和茶室的茶桌上,我们一睹为快:
Finally, I found some time to design and assemble an Omnixie Ultra with Dalibor’s R|Z568M tubes. Aluminum CNC base with new designed power supply, total thickness 15mm, USB-C powered, all direct drive with different anode resistors following R|Z568M instruction, NTP date and time sync, function settings can be performed via mobile phone or laptop. Have been looking forward to having it in my home since I moved into new house.
This time I made two sets, one with a silver base and one with a black base, and I plan to put them in the living room and the tea room, it will be the shining star in my rooms.

4 条评论
Rain · 2023 年 1 月 30 日 上午 7:58
失踪人口回归:) 近期有推出新的产品的想法吗?以前的LED点阵钟还有可能复刻吗?
严 泽远 · 2023 年 1 月 30 日 上午 9:55
Hi, 又见面啦 😉 近期有些新品即将推出,LED今年也会改版上市哦,敬请期待!
Narcissus · 2023 年 3 月 27 日 上午 11:05
严 泽远 · 2023 年 3 月 27 日 下午 12:47