Omnixie Ultra with R|Z568M | Omnixie Ultra 智能Wifi辉光钟


R|Z568M辉光管直径53mm,高度125mm,Omnixie Ultra辉光钟底座长560mm,宽140mm,厚度15mm,所有功能与之前的Omnixie和Omnixie Plus完全一致,包括Wifi自动校时、手机控制、四国语音报时、自动亮度调节等等。底座是采用铝合金CNC一体成型,面版采用3mm岩板水刀切割而成,整体外观无任何螺丝,简洁大气。供电采用USB-C接口,支持PD和QC快充。

目前两台Omnixie Ultra已经组装完毕,摆放在了客厅的条几上和茶室的茶桌上,我们一睹为快:

Finally, I found some time to design and assemble an Omnixie Ultra with Dalibor’s R|Z568M tubes. Aluminum CNC base with new designed power supply, total thickness 15mm, USB-C powered, all direct drive with different anode resistors following R|Z568M instruction, NTP date and time sync, function settings can be performed via mobile phone or laptop. Have been looking forward to having it in my home since I moved into new house.

This time I made two sets, one with a silver base and one with a black base, and I plan to put them in the living room and the tea room, it will be the shining star in my rooms.


Omnixie Plus Smart Wifi Clock | Omnixie Plus 智能Wifi辉光钟


After the release of Omnixie in March last year, the definition of the traditional Nixie clock has been refreshed. It’s no longer a simple clock that uses Nixie tubes to display number but has Wifi automatic adjusting, mobile phone control, music tones, four-language talking time and some other modern intelligent clock. It has a simple and generous slim base, the black walnut frame with high-bright edge aluminum brushed top plate, widely obtains the customer of the recognition and praise.

但由于尺寸的限制,18mm直径的辉光管并不能完全彰显辉光钟的可贵气质,所以自从Omnixie作品诞生以后,我一直在准备设计一款基于30mm直径的辉光管的Omnixie,最初的想法是除了管子变大以外,其余的尺寸均根据Omnixie的尺寸等比例放大,虽然很有挑战,但经过一年多的设计和开发,终于实现了这个想法,我给她取名为Omnixie Plus。

However, due to the size limitation, the 18mm diameter Nixie tube does not fully reflect the precious of the Nixie clock. Therefore, since the release of Omnixie, I have been preparing to design an Omnixie based on 30mm diameter Nixie tubes. The original idea is remaining dimensions are scaled according to the size of Omnixie. Although it’s very challenging, after more than a year of design and development, I finally realized this idea, I named  it Omnixie Plus.

Omnixie Plus在今年5月17日的美国加州湾区的Maker Faire 2019上已经正式发布,在详细介绍之前,我们还是按照惯例先睹为快:

Omnixie Plus has been officially released on 17th May, the Maker Faire 2019 in the Bay Area of California, USA. Show some pictures before we go into detail:


Omnixie Smart Wifi Clock | Omnixie 智能Wifi辉光钟


How time flies, six years have past since my last Nixie clock released, I thought I had performed a perfect interpretation of Nixie Tubes, never thought that I redefined it again after six years, a perfect smart Wifi Nixie Clock released today.


For now though, all Nixie clocks that have been done before include most of DIYer’s Nixie clocks are merely replaced the element of display components with Nixie tubes, and the appearance was modified to make it more classical. In addition, the perfect combination of the so-called time-spaced ancient devices and modern technology is not highlighted. So when a new idea was created three years ago, it’s hard to give it a new definition. The Omnixie project was launched for the first edition from the beginning of 2015, it has undergone five revisions in the past three years. Each revision has its origins in the rigorous demand and innovates all the problems encountered in the previous creative process, integrated and applied the popular science and modern technology, but never leave the essence of the clock. Before we go into details, let’s look at it first:


QS30-1 Nixie Module for Arduino v2.0.0 | 辉光管显示模块【软件篇】

通过上一篇QS30-1 Nixie Module for Arduino v2.0.0 | 辉光管显示模块【硬件篇】的介绍,相信大家对辉光管显示模块v2.0.0的硬件有了相应了解。


通过辉光管本身的应用来看,一共有0-9这10个数字要进行控制,另外还有RGB LED三个颜色要进行控制,以及2个氖灯要进行控制,共需要15bit的译码输出,根据原理图,两片74HC595共有16bit输出,对应的控制关系表如下:


QS30-1 Nixie Module for Arduino v2.0.0 | 辉光管显示模块【硬件篇】

辉光数码管|Nixie tube,这种问世于上世纪的古老器件,已经令越来越多的爱好者着迷,相信浏览过我的博客的朋友都无法忘记那特有的显示效果…

由于辉光管的工作原理决定了她必须由170V的高压才能驱动,为了使更多喜爱她的朋友能够使用她来创作,不必去烦恼如何产生高压、如何整理高压逻辑驱动器,一年半之前我开发了QS30-1 Nixie Module v1.0.0,并且受到了很多国内外朋友的喜爱,也因此结识了许多世界各地对开源硬件着迷的朋友,收到他们作品照片的同时,也分享和体验了那份成就感。

更多关于老版本QS30-1 Nixie Module v1.0.0的信息和辉光管的详细介绍请移步:


  • 改进了升压电路方案,模块驱动电压由原来的12V DC改为5V DC。
  • 采用体积更小集成度更高的逻辑器件,由双层PCB板改为单层PCB板设计。
  • 整体厚度从57mm降低为44mm(含辉光管和陶瓷管座高度)。


2014 Happy New Year!!!

钟表,可以回到起点, 却已不是昨天; 日历,撕下一页简单, 把握一天很难。
2013只剩最后1天, 若是美好,叫做精彩; 若是糟糕,叫做经历。
随着年龄的增长, 我们不是失去了一些朋友, 而是懂得了谁才是真正的朋友!
缘分万千,顺其自然;以心换心,才能永远 !
祝福所有的朋友和家人:旧历圆满,新岁飘香!2014 新年快乐!


“当上海遇见布拉格”捷克艺术展览 – 赴上海参观捷克Dalibor自制的辉光管

“When Shanghai meets Prague” exhibition – Visit nixie tubes made by Dalibor at Shanghai Museum of Glass.

刚进捷克艺术展馆,摆在入口中间重要位置的,就是我的好友/捷克玻璃工艺大师/资深辉光管爱好者 Dalibor的辉光钟作品,当然,这两颗仅有的辉光管就是Dalibor本人手工制作的。
在设计之初,Dalibor在问我,他想将这个作品起名叫“Shanghai Time”,让我帮忙给起一个中文名字,想来想去,还是觉得“上海时光”比较贴切。
展览时间从2013年12月11日 至 2014年3月11日,历时4个月,上海玻璃博物馆在上海市宝山区长江西路685号,希望上海的朋友可以亲自前去观赏。


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