Omnixie Plus Smart Wifi Clock | Omnixie Plus 智能Wifi辉光钟

严 泽远发布


After the release of Omnixie in March last year, the definition of the traditional Nixie clock has been refreshed. It’s no longer a simple clock that uses Nixie tubes to display number but has Wifi automatic adjusting, mobile phone control, music tones, four-language talking time and some other modern intelligent clock. It has a simple and generous slim base, the black walnut frame with high-bright edge aluminum brushed top plate, widely obtains the customer of the recognition and praise.

但由于尺寸的限制,18mm直径的辉光管并不能完全彰显辉光钟的可贵气质,所以自从Omnixie作品诞生以后,我一直在准备设计一款基于30mm直径的辉光管的Omnixie,最初的想法是除了管子变大以外,其余的尺寸均根据Omnixie的尺寸等比例放大,虽然很有挑战,但经过一年多的设计和开发,终于实现了这个想法,我给她取名为Omnixie Plus。

However, due to the size limitation, the 18mm diameter Nixie tube does not fully reflect the precious of the Nixie clock. Therefore, since the release of Omnixie, I have been preparing to design an Omnixie based on 30mm diameter Nixie tubes. The original idea is remaining dimensions are scaled according to the size of Omnixie. Although it’s very challenging, after more than a year of design and development, I finally realized this idea, I named  it Omnixie Plus.

Omnixie Plus在今年5月17日的美国加州湾区的Maker Faire 2019上已经正式发布,在详细介绍之前,我们还是按照惯例先睹为快:

Omnixie Plus has been officially released on 17th May, the Maker Faire 2019 in the Bay Area of California, USA. Show some pictures before we go into detail:

Omnixie Plus 支持多种型号的辉光管 | Omnixie Plus compatible with all 30mm diameter side view Nixie tubes

30mm直径的侧显辉光管型号不多,但为了兼容她们,此次和Omnixie一样采用了相同功能、不同管座的设计方案,以支持几乎所有常见的30mm直径的侧显辉光管。从外观上看,Omnixie Plus的底座完全一样,只有管座的规格不同,除此之外,Omnixie Plus辉光钟的所有功能和操作方法都完全一样,仅仅是辉光管型号的不同而已

There’re not many models of 30mm diameter side-view Nixie tubes, but in order to be compatible with them, just like Omnixie, I designed different socket of the main board for different tubes, support almost all common 30mm diameter side-view tubes. From the appearance, the base of Omnixie Plus is exactly the same, only the specifications of the socket are different. In addition, all the functions and operation methods of Omnixie Plus are exactly the same, just the difference of the Nixie tubes.

Omnixie Plus IN系列 | IN series:

IN series compatible with the Nixie tubes with RSH31 pin definition. There is only one type of side-view Nixie tube base on RSH31: IN-18.

Omnixie Plus ZM系列 | ZM series:

ZM系列兼容B13B规格底座的辉光管。例如德国RFT的Z566M/Z5660M,Philips/Siemens/Tesla/Ultron/Valvo品牌的ZM1040,AEG/Siemens/Tesla/Valvo品牌的ZM1042,Unitra Dolam品牌的LC-631。
ZM series compatible with the Nixie tubes with B13B pin definition. E.g.: Z566M/Z5660M from RFT made in Germany, ZM1040 from Philips/Siemens/Tesla/Ultron/Valvo, ZM1042 from AEG/Siemens/Tesla/Valvo, LC-631 from Unitra Dolam.

Omnixie Plus 支持的所有辉光管均可插拔更换 | Omnixie supports swappable Nixie tubes.

The 30mm diameter side-view Nixie tubes are all pluggable. When the Nixie tube needs to be replaced, the tube can be easily removed and insert a new one.

Omnixie Plus 支持冒号管可插拔更换 | Omnixie supports swappable colon tubes.

之前的Omnixie由于冒号管直径太小,只有6mm,所以无法做到可插拔更换。此次Omnixie Plus采用了外径10mm的玻璃管来制作冒号管,为了方便运输和更换,我们定制了专用的金属底座和专用电路板,采用两颗1mm直径的镀金插针,使冒号管也支持可插拔更换。

The colon tubes of previous Omnixie could not be plugged and replaced because the diameter of the colon tube was too small. The Omnixie Plus uses a 10mm outer diameter glass tube to make the colon tube. For easy transportation and replacement, I have customized a special metal base and special circuit board. Two 1mm diameter gold-plated pins are used to support the colon tube, all two colon tubes are pluggable.

Omnixie Plus 的外形和尺寸与Omnixie等比例放大,且依然采用天然实木、铝合金、不锈钢三种材质构成 | Omnixie Plus base is scale up size with Omnixie, made of aluminum panel, hardwood frame and stainless steel base plate.


Since it is only 10mm thick and the hollow span of solid wood is about 30cm long, we choose the stable and non-deformable black walnut wood for the frame. The whole middle frame is made of a whole piece of black walnut board processed with CNC machine, surface polishing and brushing with a colorless wood lacquer. The top plate still uses the aluminum alloy plate with carbon gray anodizing, 600 mesh drawing process and high light edge processing, and the bottom plate is made of 2mm thickness 316 stainless steel with wire drawing.

Omnixie Plus 底座的实木中框厚度仅为10mm | Omnixie Plus wooden frame thickness is only 10mm


Extremely slim is still my goal. We used a 2mm thick metal support to support the PCB main board on the stainless steel base plate, and the thickness of the PCB is 1.6mm, there are only 6.4mm rooms for other parts. But for six 30mm diameter Nixie tubes, they need to be driven by a powerful high-voltage boost module, as well as talking clock module, Wifi module and other hardware devices in such a thin space. It puts higher requirements on component selection, hardware circuit design and PCB layout.

下图是装有IN-18辉光管的Omnixie Plus与装有NL-5441A辉光管的Omnixie合影:

The picture below shows an Omnixie Plus with IN-18 Nixie tubes and an Omnixie with NL-5441A Nixie tubes:

Omnixie Plus支持WIFI网络校时 | Omnixie Plus supports WIFI synchronization with NTP server

WIFI网络校时是此次设计的创新之处,由于WIFI网络已经相当普及,Omnixie Plus内置WIFI模块,能在任何具备WIFI网络的环境下通过WIFI路由器连接Internet,通过Internet访问NTP网络时间服务器,并从NTP网络时间服务器获取精准的网络时间。NTP服务器是用来使计算机时间同步化的一种协议,它可以提供高精准的时间矫正,在Internet上绝大多数地方其精度可以达到1-50ms。NTP网络时间服务器分布于世界各地,用户可根据所在的位置选择连接速度最快的NTP服务器。

WIFI synchronization is the innovation of this design, WIFI network is very popular, the Omnixie Plus has a built-in WIFI module that can connect to router automatically and sync the date and time from NTP server (NTP time accuracy can reach 1-50ms) after initial setup, NTP is a protocol used to synchronize the time of a computer. NTP servers are distributed all over the world, user can choose the fasted NTP server based on their location.

有了WIFI网络校时功能,我们不在依托高精度的RTC时钟芯片,也不再需要人为设定时钟的时间,对于闰年、闰秒、夏令时等等均能自动调整,无需人为调整,且Omnixie Plus在成功连接到NTP服务器后实时与NTP服务器进行同步通讯,确保时间精度保持实时准确。

With the WIFI timekeeping function, we are not relying on a high-precision RTC chip, and no longer need to set the clock from time to time, it can automatically adjust for leap year, leap second, daylight saving time, etc. without human adjustment, and after the Omnixie Plus successfully connecting to the NTP server, it will communicates with the NTP server in real time to ensure that the date and time is accurate in real time.


Compared with GPS receiver, it is no longer necessary to connect expensive GPS receivers, and it is not necessary to place clock or GPS receiver in the open air. Compared to the timekeeping of the radio module (E.g.: DCF77, JJY, BPC, WWV etc.), it does not require a big size and poor anti-interference ability radio module.

Omnixie Plus支持WIFI远程设置 | Omnixie Plus supports Web configuration via WIFI

对于时钟的各种设置,我们一直在寻找更加简单更加人性化的设置方法,目前大多数的做法是通过时钟上的按键,或者使用红外线遥控器,按照说明书上的一系列流程对时钟的各个参数进行设置。此次Omnixie抛弃了实体按键,时钟上面没有任何按钮,我们提供了一种新的设置界面,用户可以通过任何终端,包括iPhone手机、Android手机、Mac电脑或者PC通过任意Web浏览器访问Omnixie Plus的控制台界面,清晰明了的对各项参数进行设置,甚至可以抛弃说明书,各项设置参数一目了然。

For the various settings of the clock, we have been looking for a simpler and more user-friendly setup method. Most of the current methods are using the buttons on the clock, or using an IR remote, and make settings following the instructions. The Omnixie abandoned buttons, there’s no buttons on the clock, we provide a new setting interface, users can access the Omnixie dashboard to configuration of all the Omnixie features through any web browser, including iPhone, Android, Mac or PC. The setting interface is clearly even don’t need the user manual.

在首次使用Omnixie Plus之前,只需要将Omnixie Plus连接到附近的WIFI网络,对Omnixie Plus的网络进行一次配置,之后就可以像使用APP一样通过手机或者通过电脑的浏览器访问Omnixie的控制台界面,对所有参数进行配置。包括WIFI设置、系统状态、NTP设置、基本功能设置、显示特效设置、闹钟设置、高级设置、固件升级

Before using the Omnixie Plus for the first time, it needs to be set to use your home network and requires a ‘one time’ setup, then you can access the Omnixie’s dashboard through the mobile phone or through the browser of the Mac or PC just like using an APP to configure it, including WIFI parameter settings, NTP settings, system status, general settings, display settings, alarm settings and firmware upgrade.

Omnixie Plus支持DHCP、mDNS、SSDP等功能 | Omnixie Plus supports DHCP, mDNS, SSDP

Omnixie Plus的网络功能很强大,支持DHCP动态域名解析,如果路由器和网络条件支持的话可以通过外网进行访问配置。另外还支持mDNS,可实现浏览器域名访问,无需记住设备的IP地址,直接通过浏览器访问http://nch.local打开控制台(域名名称可以自定义设置)。还支持SSDP协议,可实现快速网络发现。

The Omnixie Plus supports DHCP settings for external network access, supports mDNS for browser domain name access (no need to remember device IP address), supports SSDP for fast network discovery.

在Microsoft Windows的网络里可以直接发现“家庭自动化”设备,双击图标即可打开Omnixie的控制台。

With Microsoft Windows, open the Network, in the Home Automation category will see the Omnixie’s icon, double-click the icon to open the Omnixie Dashboard.

Omnixie Plus支持GMT时区设置和DST夏令时设置 | Omnixie Plus supports GMT setting and DST setting

无论在世界任何一个地方使用Omnixie Plus,只需要将当地所属的GMT时区设置好,如果在实行夏令时的国家或地区按照当地的夏令时规则设置好相关参数,Omnixie Plus将会时刻为用户提供准确的当地时间。

No metter where the Omnixie Plus is used in the world, you only need to set the local GMT time zone, and also can set the local daylight saving time rules, Omnixie Plus will always provide accurate local time.

Omnixie Plus支持自定义夏令时规则,可以自己设定夏令时的开始时间和结束时间,Omnixie Plus会按照设定的规则在夏令时开始和结束时自动调整时间,无需人为调快或调慢时间。

The Omnixie Plus supports custom DST rules, you can set the start time and end time of daylight saving time, the Omnixie Plus will automatically adjust the time at the start and the end of daylight saving time according to the set rules, don’t need to change the clock in Spring and Fall.

Omnixie Plus支持8级辉光管亮度调节,并可根据环境光线亮度自动调整辉光管亮度 | Brightness of Nixie tube and back light adjustable


8 brightness levels for the Nixie tubes and backlights, which can also be automatically adjusted according to ambient light conditions to allow sleep at night.

Omnixie Plus采用的是可见光光线传感器,并非普通的光敏电阻,有效过滤红外线,对可见自然光亮度进行采集来控制辉光管显示亮度。

The Omnixie Plus uses a visible light sensor, which is not an ordinary light-sensitive resistor, effectively filters infrared light, and collects visible natural light to control the brightness of the Nixie tubes.

Omnixie Plus支持四国语言语音报时 | Omnixie Plus supports talking clock with four languages

Omnixie Plus支持实时语音报时,内置中文普通话、英语、日语、德语四国语言,可随时按下遥控器进行实时语音报时,也可以设置按时间间隔进行报时。

The Omnixie Plus intelligent speech system in English, Chinese Mandarin, Japanese and German, can trigger talking clock in any time by press the button on IR remote, also can be set to talking clock automatically at regular intervals.

Omnixie Plus的其他功能描述 | Omnixie Plus other features

1. 支持远程固件升级
OTA firmware upgrade
The system firmware can be upgraded directly through the Web inteface without any special equipment.
2. 支持4组闹铃
4 alarms
Four individually configurable alarm clocks, supports snooze function, weekend activation optional.
3. 支持音乐按键音和闹钟铃声
Music key tone and alarm
Variety of key tone sound effects for easy setting confirmation. 12 kinds of alarm music, the alarm volume can be set independently.
4. 支持定时开关机
Switch On/Off automatically
On and Off time can be set for longer tube lifetime.
5. 支持红外线遥控
IR remote
IR remote controller operation.
6. 支持8级音量调节
Volume adjustable
8 volume levels. Independent Alarm volume, mute does not affect the alarm sound.
7. 支持4种数字显示特效
Digits transition effects
具备1.正常切换 2.淡入淡出 3.交叉呼吸 4.翻牌显示 四种数字显示特效。
1. Normal 2. Fade in-out 3. Crossfading 4. Slot machine.
8. 支持10级特效切换速度
Transition speed adjustable
Ten speeds available for the transition.
9. 支持4种冒号显示特效
Colons effects
具备1.呼吸模式 2.闪烁模式 3.常亮模式 4.常闭模式 四种冒号显示特效。
1. Fade in-out 2. Blinking 3. Always on 4. Always off
10. 支持3种背景光显示模式
Background light effects
具备1.常亮模式 2.呼吸模式 3.常闭模式 三种背景光显示模式
1. Always on 2. Fade in-out 3. Always off
11. 支持15种背景光颜色方案
Background light color scheme
15 types of background light color scheme can be configured.

Omnixie Plus技术规格 | Omnixie Plus technical specifications

辉光管型号 Nixie tubes Omnixie Plus IN series
                                             Omnixie Plus ZM series
电源接口类型 Power input
电源输入电压 Voltage 直流12V DC 12V
工作电流 Current 600mA Max
WIFI标准 Wifi standard
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
频率范围 Frequency range
天线形式 Antenna 内置板载PCB天线
外形尺寸 Dimension
底座 长 x 宽 x 高 320mm x 103mm x 10mm

辉光管高度 62mm-71mm
外壳材质 Material of housing 铝合金面板、实木中框、不锈钢底版
工作温度 Operation temperature
0℃ to 60℃ (32℉ to 140 ℉)
重量 Weight
910g 仅主机 1100g 完整包装

红外线操作说明 | IR remote

POWER: Power On/Off
LIGHT: Set brightness
SET: Enter setup
DATE: Check date
ALARM: Display alarms
LEFT/RIGHT: Set position
FUNC: Enter menu
OK/CANCEL: Save & exit
NUMBER: Enter numbers

Omnixie Plus实拍照片欣赏 | Omnixie Plus pictures

Omnixie Plus的尺寸及包装 | Omnixie Plus dimensions and contents

Omnixie Plus的底座长320mm/12.6”,宽度103mm/4”,厚度10mm/0.39”,辉光管直径30mm/1.18”,辉光管高度68mm/2.68” (不同型号辉光管高度可能有所差别)
Base dimension of the Omnixie is 320mm/12.6” x 103mm/4” x 10mm/0.39”, diameter of Nixie tube is 30mm/1.18”, height of Nixie tube is 68mm/2.68” ( different types of Nixie tubes have different heights).

主机包装尺寸 | Omnixie Plus Box dimension:365mm x 185mm x 60mm/14.4” x 7.3” x 2.4”
辉光管包装尺寸 | Tube Box dimension:270mm x 130mm x 70mm/10.6” x 5.2” x 2.7”

包装内容包括:Omnixie Clock主机(辉光管是选配件)、12V电源适配器、冒号管、红外线遥控器。
Package contents: The Omnixie clock (Nixie tubes optional), 12V power adapter, Colon tubes, IR remote.

Omnixie Plus兼容的部分辉光管照片 | Nixie tube pictures of Omnixie Plus compatible

以下列出了部分Omnixie Plus兼容的辉光管型号及显示的字形照片,仅供参考。

Listed below are some Omnixie Plus compatible Nixie tube models and displayed photos for reference only.

IN-18 (Rovno USSR)
ZM1042 (Valvo/Siemens/Philips/AEG)
Z566M (RFT)

使用说明书下载 | User manual download link

简体中文 (Chinese):
Omnixie Plus Clock v1.0.3 User Manual Chinese

英文 (English):
Omnixie Plus Clock v1.0.3 User Manual English

严 泽远


5 条评论

geniuskim · 2019 年 7 月 5 日 下午 4:09

大师又出大作了!前排围观,冒号管可换算是充分满足了强迫症同胞。另外,以后会不会考虑用USB PD协议?

Jeff Walton · 2019 年 10 月 7 日 上午 9:45

A fitting compliment to the original Omnixie. The Omnixie Plus has all of the same attention to detail as the Omnixie and the larger tubes make it great for viewing at a distance. The features are robust and the connection to wi-fi for the NTP information keeps the Omnixie-Plus in sync at all times. The Omnixie and Omnixie Plus are among the most elegant and well designed nixie clocks that can be purchased. Anyone would be proud to own one of these masterpieces!

SOSO · 2019 年 11 月 5 日 下午 6:34

Hi geniuskim, please send email to me, my E-mail address Thanks. Yan

et · 2020 年 2 月 26 日 下午 5:09


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